Introduce Yourself: Joining Hands to Make Mindfulness Accessible!

Welcome to the Subtitling Team for Plum Village App! We are thrilled to have you here and grateful for your willingness to volunteer your time and skills to make the videos in the app and on YouTube more accessible to users around the world.

In this topic, we invite you to introduce yourself and share a little about yourself. We believe that getting to know each other and building a sense of community is an essential part of making this project successful.

Please feel free to share your interests, your experience with subtitling or mindfulness, and anything else you think might be relevant. Let’s use this space to connect, collaborate and create something that will make a difference in people’s lives :pray:

Please bear in mind that this community is open to anyone with an internet connection. So, it’s best to use your common sense and share only what you’re comfortable with sharing publicly.


Hey friends!

Thank you for starting this @Justin_Emery !

My name is Cata and I started working on the PV App in 2016 after my first retreat in Plum Village.

I constantly find inspiration in Thay’s teachings and Buddhist wisdom, so work is never boring :star_struck:

Very happy to be here and thank you so much for everyone who is contributing to this wonderful project


Hello everyone, my name is Justin. Like Cata, I felt inspired after my first retreat at Plum Village to see how we can use technology to support mindfulness. Soon enough my path crossed with Cata’s and later I joined the Plum Village App team in 2020. My role in the team is primarily as a developer but I am also interested in processes and community.

I know that what we are creating is only possible through the contributions of many, whether it’s a review, a donation, a bug report, a feature request, or indeed subtitling - probably thousands of people have already contributed in some way towards making the Plum Village App what it is today.

I worked on setting up many elements of our subtitling process, and I will be here to help those who are contributing subtitles, in particular with technical queries or suggestions to improve our processes.


Hi friends, I’m Tuyen. I’ve been practicing mindfulness in the Plum Village tradition since 2015, and volunteering to be of help for the multi-fold Plum Village community since 2018.

As a Plum Village App team member, I’m here to help you with basic, non-technical issues. Because I don’t have the answers to all problems, I look forward to learning from my fellow subtitling volunteers as the community grows.

The app is the concrete continuation of Thay’s vision to make good use of technology, so I hope we will be able to awaken to the beauties of life, enjoy meaningful friendship with other mindfulness practitioners, and savor many nourishing moments doing this together.


Hello All,

My name is Matthew. I have been doing some subtitling recently.

I have subtitled initial versions of ‘This Body is Not Me’
and ‘Signlessness: A Cloud Never Dies’ with some help from Tuyen.

I’m currently working on ‘Touching Reality as It Is’.

My original intent was to subtitle about one video per week,
though recent progress has been slower.

My mindfulness still needs a lot of practice,
which is something I am trying to improve with the app.

My other interests include programming, board games &
card games, and walking in the woods.

Best wishes,


Hi everyone,

My name is Beverley - and I have been subtitling for about six months, I guess. For several years I tried to volunteer my help in sub-titling and got no response, until a while ago I contacted the App. You put me in touch with Bego Laka who was a tremendous help in getting me started! And now I have a few videos under my belt.

I am currently working on a beautiful dharma talk from Sister Tue Nghiem on the Four Nutriments which I uploaded myself. I don’t know if this is on the App. This is the link: The Discourse on the Four Kinds of Nutriments | Dharma Talk by Sr. Tuệ Nghiêm, 21/11/2021 - YouTube.

I love her dharma talks :-).

My mother tongue is English so I only subtitle in English. I am happy to help, if I can.

I am so happy to have this forum and very grateful to tuyen for inviting me.


Oh, and I’d like to add that I find the subtitling very relaxing and grounding and try to do a little bit every day.


Hi friends,

Thank you for creating this space!

My name is Sveja and I’ve been practicing in the Plum Village tradition since 2016. Thay’s life, wisdom and teachings as well as the Plum Village practice have been a source of joy and inspiration ever since.

My mother language is Bulgarian. I have provided Bulgarian subtitles for various PV videos on You Tube.

Though Amara is quite user friendly I did have some challenging moments and technology issues. All the more happier that you are here now offering your support.

Recently I’ve been struggling with the following issue. The video’s I’ve subtitled are not easy to find amongst the great number of PV video’s on You Tube. How can I make it possible for Bulgarian viewers to find the videos which are provided with Bulgarian subtitles?
Hoping to hear your suggestions on this. Thank you!


Hello dear friends,

My name is Kat. I have been practicing in the Plum Village tradition since 2021 and my biggest joy is going on backpacking retreats with the Deer Park monastics.

My native language is German and I subtitle videos in English and/or translate subtitles to German.
I live in a small rural town and am very grateful to the PV App team for creating an opportunity for folks like me to contribute to our community remotely :pray: :lotus:


Dear ones!

My name is Jaz and i have been connected to the the Plum Village tradition for over 13 years, i feel deeply grateful for the deep teachings and way of life it provides. I have been answering emails and been part of the lovely PV App team for a few years now - ive done a few subtitles over that time and love the steady and deeply learning it provides…

Its amazing to see the dedication of dear friend @Tuyen and all of you offering translation and subtitles regularly…

Look forward to connecting more on here…


Dear friends,

My name is Han. I started my sangha in Korea in 2019 after my first retreat to Plum Village, and began adding Korean subtitles to many Plum Village videos since then, which turned out to be very helpful for the people here.

As always, I’m so grateful for everyone at the Plum Village App team, and for all of you helping with the subtitles of various languages!

Lastly, if you ever get a chance to come to Korea and have some time to spare, you are all welcome to visit our sangha home, which is about an hour and a half away from Seoul. It’s a small country house where we have our sangha meetings.

A lotus for every one of you.


Hi everyone,

I’m Giang and I’ve been practicing since 2016. I found doing subtitling is very relaxing and helping me dig deeper into teachings and practices. I’m so happy that we have a community like this, because I met some difficulties in Technology that frustrated me sometimes ").

Nice to meet you all.


My name is Aislan, and I’m from Brazil. I’m thrilled and honored to be part of this community as a volunteer. Buddhism is a huge part of my life, and I love studying the English language, as well as exploring the philosophical and scientific relationship between the mind and matter. I believe that technology has the power to alleviate suffering in the world, and I’m passionate about using it for that purpose.

I’m deeply grateful to be part of this beautiful community, and I look forward to learning from and serving alongside all of you. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.



Dear Thay and Dear Community,
My name is Fabio, I’m Italian and I’ve been living in Vietnam for about 20 years, I’ve been attending our community for about 10 years, participating in various retreats in different practice centers around the world.
I am the father of two beautiful girls who I love very much.
I have been contributing to the translations for the Plum Village Italia App for about 3 years, working together with the Italian brothers.
I am happy that there is finally an official space for these activities that can bring so much joy and healing to so many people around the world.
Thanks to the entire App Plum Village team.



I am Br. Phàp Tử from Indonesia, now I am based in Plum Village Thailand.
I have a group of translator consist of OI members, volunteer who help translate resources, youtube, articles, and books from English to Indonesia language.
We usually communicate in whatsapp group, I have assigned an OI member to be the leader, I just overseen the priority, and also helping proof reading and editing.

Nice to meet you all!

A lotus for you


Hello everyone, my name is Dora. I started translating about a year ago. I found myself listening very deeply while translating the teachings, which I enjoy very much. Lately i haven‘t had the time for translating, but i hope to pick it up very soon.
I subtitle in english and translate into german.

I am very greatful for this community. Thank you!


Hi Aislan, my name is Liana and I’m from Brazil too. If you want help it will be great working as a time because sometimes I don’t know how I could be helpful.


Hi, everyone. My name is Galaxy and I am from HK. I have joined the subtitling in 2015 - 2016 but stopped for a few years. I am very happy to be able to reactivate it again by now. My mother tongue is Cantonese, but I have tried my contributions in subtitling in English and translation in traditional Chinese.

Great to meet all of you here.

Thank you so much for the App team to facilitate my reconnection to the community.


Dear friends, I am thank you all for doing all you do.
I started working on subtitles on one video and unfortunately never managed to finish it.
This is a very important work, and I intend going back to it at some point.
In the mean time I wish to offer my support to you all in any other way possible, even if it is just breathing together with you.

Before I leave, a huge thank you to the app team - this thing is more valuable than what my words can convey.