Portuguese language support in the app 🎊

Dear friends,

You may be interested to hear that we recently added support for Portuguese language to the Plum Village app! This includes content for the Meditations and Resources and also the user interface is available in Portuguese, because we updated the app today.

I would also like to take this moment to celebrate the contributions to subtitles in Portuguese. So far we have over 50 videos where Portuguese subtitles have been contributed with more regularly being added by contributors! :tada:

These subtitles include both Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (generally we are not distinguishing between these in the app because we would not have the resources for both variants of Portuguese).

If anyone else would like to help contribute subtitles in Portuguese, you can find videos to subtitle with our tool: Tool to discover PV App videos in need of subtitles


Tagging some of our forum members in Brazil :slightly_smiling_face:

@Aislan_Bezerra @Liana_Cupini


Thank you, dear @Justin, for the news! :partying_face::confetti_ball::tada:

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