Introduce Yourself: Joining Hands to Make Mindfulness Accessible!

Drear Friends,

my name is Piotr (Peter) and I am a school teacher from Poland. I have been practicing mindfulness for several years. It all started around 2020 when I read a book Happy teachers change the world by Thich Nhat Hanh and Katherine Weare. I often watch videos of Thay’s talks on YouTube and listen to recordings in the app. I noticed that there are no Polish captions. In fact, many people in Poland still don’t know Thay’s books and talks. I would like to help and prepare some captions in Polish.

All the best for All! :pray: Greetings from Poland! :poland:


Hello friends,

My name is Jamie, and I live in Canada (snow above my knees as I type this, blizzard rolled through last night!). I have been practicing meditation and mindfulness off and on for the past 10 years. This is my first foray into subtitling, but I am excited to get started! I have always been skilled with language and writing, so I’m delighted to put my skills toward a great cause. In my spare time I can be found cuddling with my cat, writing, or trying to learn musical instruments.

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Ciao! from Rome! I am very glad for the opportunity to might be helpful for Plum Village Sangha! I am a zazen practitioner and I have been in Plum Village two summers ago, following a dream since I was twenty! It has been a so deep amazing, important experience! Since pandemic time I start listen to dharma talk from Plum Village through the app and then on youtube channel. Recently I knew about the possibility of traslate the video in subtitles. Thanks for this App now and the possibility to sharing. To be sincere, I am not so sure that I will be able to traslate correctly from English to Italian, because I never done before a professional traslation and I am not so fluid using pc and web, but I have very good intentions to try! And knowing that there is this support, encourage a lot. Thank you all for all. Thanks to all the Brothers and Sisters to divulgate, to trasmit the beauty and the importance of the Practice, of our lifes, of all is aroud and with us…and thanks (I must say…) for the…music! I love the cd “a cloud never died”.I believe that teaching of the great Master Thich Nhat Hanh is still alive, in Plum Village, and more, throug all of you with us . Grazie infinite!


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Goodmornig Tuyen, and thank you a lot to have make first sign on my “introduce yourself”!
This early morning I started to work in Sr. True Dedication “15 minutes guided meditation on body scan” on Amara, additing italian subtitels. I don’t know if I can ask you…I am working with mobile (I have pc but not so easly I can use)…and on Amara it appears me on left part of the screen, the english subtitles and on the right I have started the first “bozza” in italian subtitle. I have some dubts…the english version on the left appears to me, not so complete as in the youtube video, and if I try to add some words in italian on the right closer to the words in the video, the program doesn’t me allow to do it…
Maybe in Italian should be a shorter version than in English? or from pc might be better? Maybe from a little mobile screen I jump some passage…
Thank you for any help or advise, anytime you can, to suggest me how I might rightly continue. Thanks a lot! Enjoy your day,

very grateful,


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Hi, my name is Alexandra Vrsalovic, I am from Chile so my maternal language is Spanish, Latin American Spanish. I love to read Thich Nath Hanh books, and listen (in Youtube) many of his teachings. I noticed that many of those videos don’t have captions in spanish, so I decided to contribute doing translations like a way to contribute with his legacy… Also for me is a very kind way to understand more his message and receive his deep teachings… Thank you for the posibility to contribute …

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