Hello dearest friend Francesca @francesca_trippa francesca_trippa
A few minutes ago I received a question from you. If you don’t mind, I would like to create a new thread for your question, so that friends with the same problem can follow this thread too
Your original question was:
Goodmornig Tuyen, and thank you a lot to have make first sign on my “introduce yourself”!
This early morning I started to work in Sr. True Dedication “15 minutes guided meditation on body scan” on Amara, additing italian subtitels. I don’t know if I can ask you…I am working with mobile (I have pc but not so easly I can use)…and on Amara it appears me on left part of the screen, the english subtitles and on the right I have started the first “bozza” in italian subtitle. I have some dubts…the english version on the left appears to me, not so complete as in the youtube video, and if I try to add some words in italian on the right closer to the words in the video, the program doesn’t me allow to do it…
Maybe in Italian should be a shorter version than in English? or from pc might be better? Maybe from a little mobile screen I jump some passage…
Thank you for any help or advise, anytime you can, to suggest me how I might rightly continue. Thanks a lot! Enjoy your day,very grateful,
I understand the problem you’re faced with. In fact, I tried to use Amara from a mobile phone a few times before. Compared to a desktop computer or laptop, Amara is not friendly for mobile users and Amara mobile interface somehow never shows everything there is to show on the editing screen as you would from a computer screen. I found many buttons were lost and many properly functioning features also disappeared when trying to add subtitles from a mobile device.
I have just taken a look at the video “15-minute Guided Body Scan Meditation | With Sister True Dedication” on Amara here (https://amara.org/videos/UmSqTOk0k3NP/it/4713598/) and I can already see Italian subtitles have been created and done until the minute 01:55 . I don’t see any problem and everything is so far so good!
To answer your question:
Maybe in Italian should be a shorter version than in English?
It’s been my observation over the years that the Italian subtitles can be longer than the English ones, too, so you have all the freedom and flexibility to work on the Italian subtitles however long or short you’d like them to be.
I’m really sorry to know the PC you have has not been easy for you to use. I wish there was another way to work around this issue but it seems to me that adding subtitles from a PC will be most helpful for you at this moment.
If your PC has been unbearably difficult to work with and there’s no way to finish your first-ever subtitles, I have another idea! What about this: You can share with me the Italian subtitles that you translate from the English ones and type in a document in your phone (such as Notepad or Microsoft Word), and I will help you upload these subtitles to Amara?
I understand this way is quite inconvenient, takes a bit more time to finish, and doesn’t allow you the full sense of agency, but this is the only solution that comes in my mind right now I’m still thinking if there’s any better way… If you have any better idea, please don’t hesitate to let me know, we can try that way instead!
If, in my response, you find that I misunderstand your question, do let me know! I’m very happy you can start your first subtitles today and hope to assist you in your first attempt!
Thank you very much for your time and dedication in this work,
I hope to hear from you again.
Bowing in gratitude,